
The Preoperative Value for Surgical Cases in Obesity, Aiming at the Result : Zero Death

This is a manuscript that draws the attention of professionals involved with obesity and the dangers of guilt that have fallen on those involved with this pathology. The elaboration of scientific projects with greater participation of doctors, patients and decision making where the main word would be: “to want”. There is no weight loss with excess food, but with several attitudes to achieve the result: to observe the quantity and quality of food eaten. To achieve the final success of surgical procedures, a careful preoperative period is needed, such as hematocrit above 38%; glycemia below 105 mg/dL; blood pressure below 150 × 100 mmHg; vitamin D above 20 ng/ml; normal radiological examinations; compatible electrocardiogram and other tests necessary for each specific case. Because it is a public health problem, the obesity must have special attention by the public agents to have the professional success as a result. Let's imagine how much savings we would make for every kilogram of obese patients, especially those with medication for hypertension and diabetes. Today, we can rely on bariatric surgery and body-relief surgeries. We observe how much improvement we obtain for the work, effective life, clothing, leisure and joy of living of the patients graced with these indicated procedures. With all these preventive actions, the results that most caught our attention were “zero death” and “public health economics”.


José Humberto Cardoso Resende

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