
Islanded Superficial Temporal Artery Flap for Single Stage Reconstruction of Large Upper Lip Defects in Male Patients

Recreating a normal looking and optimally functioning upper lip is a challenge for a reconstructive surgeon. Motor vehicle accidents, homicidal amputations, burn and cancer are major causes of upper lip defects. Often multiple staged procedures are required to achieve the goals. Islanded superficial temporal artery flap is a single stage procedure to reconstruct a near normal looking upper lip camouflaged with moustaches for the male population. We have an experience of reconstructing 35 cases of upper lip defects resulting from trauma, homicidal amputations, burn and post-oncological resection, with the above said procedure and were able to achieve excellent results. We used hand held Doppler to identify the superficial temporal artery, raised an islanded flap, tunneling through the cheek, transposed it to the upper lip defect. Results fulfill the criterion of an aesthetically pleasing and functionally competent lip. Complication rate is nearly negligible.


Akashah Ambar *, Uzma Naseer, Javarria Mahmood, Gul-e-Rana Malik, Farhat-ul-Ain Tayabba, and Muhammad Mughese Amin

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