
Personalized Medicine: Technological Bridge between Patient and Surgeon by 3D Printed Surgical Guide in Rhinoplasty

One of the major revolutions of the past century in the field of medical sciences has been the evolution from “disease centred medicine” to “patient centred medicine”. Beyond statistical data and research evidence, there are multiple variables that influence the result and condition the eligibility of a patient for a technique or another: tissue characteristics, comorbidity, expectative, desirables or even the familiarity of the surgeon with the technique. Indeed, well understood EBM reclaims the articulation of the best available evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. The prime objective of this article is to introduce the PSM as an instrument of communication with the patient that allows, thanks to technology to build personalized intraoperative instruments that aids the surgeon to deal with patient variability.


Hugo Herrero Antón de Vez and Javier Herrero Jover

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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